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2014-12-15 December
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
December 15, 2014
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 6:35M
Present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza, Department Crew (some past & current)  and Pam Haman.

Bills and Deeds were approved and signed.

Minutes from the November meeting were approved with changes.

Superintendents Report:
Decided not to go ahead with the purchase of the mower equipment due to its limited use.  
A discussion was then held on applying to the capitol planning committee for a “grasshopper” which has more use to the department cost for machine and attachments would be approximately $15,000.00  John Barrett made a motion to submit a request for the grasshopper equipment to the Capitol Planning Committee.  Ray second, all were in favor motion carried.
Purchase of a walk behind snow blower was discussed for approximately 2300.00   John made a motion to approve the purchase of a walk behind.  Ray second, all were in favor motion carried.

Roger presented the department with a CD capturing departmental projects from 2008 to present.

Commissioners commended Roger and crew for another year of hard work and dedication.

Meeting adjourned to the department’s annual Holiday gathering.

Next meeting is scheduled for January, 2015.

Pam Haman